We’re sorry, you are not yet old enough to visit our site.

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Doppio Passo is committed to responsible use of alcoholic beverages within the scope of the statutory provisions. Since this website contains advertising information about alcoholic beverages, we ask that you confirm that you are of legal drinking age before entering. By visiting our website, you accept our terms of service and data protection and privacy policies.

Terms of service




This website, (“Website”), is operated by Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien GmbH, Sektkellereistrasse 5, 06632 Freyburg/Unstrut, Germany (“RM”). The terms of service set out below apply to the use of the Website. This Website is aimed exclusively at persons over the age of 18 or legal drinking age, respectively. If you are not yet 18 years old or of legal drinking age in your country, we must ask you to leave the Website. Individual pages, services, or functions of the website may be subject to additional special terms that take precedence over these terms of service.

Intellectual property

RM and its licensors reserve all copyright and other industrial property rights to the content of the Website, particularly texts, visual representations, graphics, layouts, images, audio and video, and the selection and arrangement of the same, along with all other information on the Website (“Website Content”). Website Content must not be reproduced, distributed, rented or leased out, lent, presented, communicated to the public, made available to the public, adapted, modified, transformed or otherwise used without the prior written consent of RM. The user is exclusively permitted to make technically necessary reproductions of the Website for the purpose of browsing (access to the Website and visual presentation of the Website Content).
The rights to all marks used on the Website (trademarks, business names and titles) rest with their respective owners.


The Website Content is legally non-binding. RM makes no warranty that the Website Content is accurate, complete, and up to date. In particular, RM makes no warranty that the Website is accessible, free of errors and viruses, and secure on a continuous basis or that Website Content can be downloaded securely. With the exception of damage and/or losses caused by RM through intent or gross negligence, RM is not liable for damage and/or losses arising as a consequence of using the Website, particularly not for the loss of programs or data.
You are permitted to use the Website only in compliance with these terms of service and for lawful and appropriate purposes. In particular, you are prohibited from using software, procedures, or devices that adversely affect the operation or functionality of the Website, either manually or electronically, or that cause inappropriate or excessively high traffic on the Website.

Links to external websites

The Website contains direct and/or indirect links to external websites operated by third parties. The availability and content of these external websites are out of RM’s control, and RM has no influence over this. In particular, RM does not endorse the content of these external websites and assumes no responsibility or liability for the content or security of the external websites.


RM is permitted to amend, supplement, remove or discontinue the Website Content or the Website itself in whole or in part at any time and without prior notice.

Applicable law, place of jurisdiction

German law applies. If you are a merchant (Kaufmann), legal entity under public law, or a public-law special fund as defined under German law, the location of the registered office of the company responsible is the operative factor. RM can also bring a legal action against you in any other permissible place of jurisdiction. Arbitration proceedings are ruled out.